The Euro-Par Achievement Award

Since 2008, the Euro-Par Achievement Award is being conveyed at the yearly conference banquet. Recipients are researchers with outstanding merit in parallel computing and an allegiance to the Euro-Par conference series.


Franck Cappello is a Senior Computer Scientist at the Argonne National Labs. He was the initiator and director the French National Project Grid 5000. In conjunction with Marc Snir he created the Joint Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing (JLESC), gathering seven of the most prominent international research and production centers in supercomputing, namely, NCSA, Inria, ANL, BSC, JSC, Riken CCS and UTK. Since 2016, Cappello has been the director of two exascale computing projects related to resilience and lossy compression of scientific data. Throughout his 25-year research career, he has directed the development of several high-impact software tools. Cappello appears 19 times in the proceedings of Euro-Par, three of them in workshops. He was the local chair of topic “Peer-to-Peer Computing” in 2003.

Enrique Quintana-Ortí works in the areas of computational linear algebra, parallel algorithms, energy-aware high performance computing, analysis and design of dynamic control systems, applications in computational sciences and acceleration of deep-learning algorithms. He is being known as a generous community-minded colleague who has been graduating doctoral students with a good research profile. Quintana-Ortí has been a pillar of the Spanish research community as participant of 31 projects with 14 of them as their leader. At the international level he has been participating in 28 projects, while leading two of them. He has been co-author of 17 Euro-Par papers between 1999 and 2019 and was the global chair of topic “Multicore and Manycore Parallelism” in 2021.

  • 2022:  Ewa Deelman (University of Southern California, U.S.A.)

Ewa Deelman has pioneered the systematic design and optimization of scientific workflows in HPC and distributed computing environments to enable scientists to handle efficiently massive amounts of data using large-scale infrastructures. She established and has led since 2000 the Pegasus workflow management project, whose biggest success was its use by the LIGO consortium for the detection of gravitational waves (2017 Nobel Prize). Pegasus has been used by computational scientists across different domains (e.g., astronomy, earth science, bioinformatics, climate science, etc). Through Pegasus, Deelman’s own research has shaped the field in relation to managing scientific workflows on HPC and large-scale infrastructures. Deelman has participated in a number of Euro-Par workshops and delivered two Euro-Par keynotes (2012 and 2020).

Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare has been one of the foremost proponents of program development as a mathematical discipline since the 1960s. He is the holder of the ACM Turing Award 1980 and of many other high distinctions. Tony Hoare advanced the area of parallel programming in many ways, notably with the framework Communicating Sequential Processes that comes in two forms: (1) a programming language, later realized in occam, the language for the transputer, and (2) a process algebra. He also proposed the shared data structure monitor. Tony Hoare is most widely known as the inceptor of Hoare logic, an axiomatic basis for the verification of sequential and also of parallel programs. He supported Euro-Par in its formative decade with two keynotes: one in Passau, 1997, the other in Klagenfurt, 2003.

The British-born American theoretical physicist and computer scientist Geoffrey Charles Fox played an important early and sustained role in the development parallel and distributed computing. His first appearance at Euro-Par was in 1998 in Southampton, where he promoted the Java Grande Forum, an initiative to make Java more suitable for high-performance computing. He also supported and promoted the Grid and MapReduce paradigms by providing software and publication platforms for them. Fox lent crucial support to Euro-Par as generous and efficient editor-in-chief of the journal Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.

Rosa Badia has participated in projects from the Spanish national plan since 1989, and in many European projects. She has made her mark in academia as well as industry. One major hallmark is her work on software infrastructures for distributed parallelism. Her steadfastness, broad experience and good judgement make her a well sought-after counselor for her peers. Rosia Badia has made frequent appearances in the proceedings of the main conference as well as its accompanying workshops. She was a global chair of several topcs, the chair of workshop HeteroPar 2012 and keynote speaker at the workshop SPPEXA 2014.

  • 2018:  David E. Keyes (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)

David Keyes works at the algorithmic interface be- tween parallel computing and the numerical analysis of partial differential equations. He is a leader in his field, and an orchestrator and advisor of labs and research drives. He is also a generous nurturer of his research area and an encourager of collaborations between parallel and numerical computing. David Keyes loves Europe and has given Euro-Par more attention than any other conference. Several of his papers received the Euro-Par label “distinguished” and two made it into the Euro-Par Collection.

  • 2017:  Ian Foster (University of Chicago / Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A.)

Ian Foster is renowned across the globe for, together with Carl Kesselman, coining the concept of grid computing, making it popular via two text- books and putting it into practice with the GLOBUS implementation. Another influencer of parallel computing is his textbook on building and de- signing parallel programs. Ian Foster succeeded Jack Dongarra as international representative on the SC and matched him in kindness and support. He also co-authored a good number of Euro-Par papers and served several times as a global topic chair in the early years of the series.

Arnold (Arny) Rosenberg is an experienced and beyond his retirement highly active researcher in algorithmic theories and models for collaborative (geographically dispersed) computing and is re- nowned as a generous and committed teacher and as an attentive and witty colleague. Arny Rosenberg is an unequivocal fan and frequent visitor of and collaborator in Europe. He has visited Euro-Par many times as participant and presenter and has also made it into the Euro-Par Collection. Recently, he brought his fervent drive for a better education in parallel computing to Euro-Par with the workshop series Euro-EDUPAR.

  • 2015:  Mateo Valero (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)

Mateo Valero has been without doubt the most influential computer scientist in Spain. He has produced incredible numbers of publications, Ph.D. graduates, committee memberships, research collaborations – even honorary doctorates! Many seminal ideas in computer architecture have been attributed to him, notably in the areas of vector computing, multihtreading and instruction-level parallelism. He also appears in the Euro-Par Collection. He established the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, which is a major focus of European activity in the area and is well regarded in the in- ternational arena as a center of excellence. Mateo Valero participated in the drafting of the Euro-Par series and was a member of the SC in the early years. His paper participation in Euro-Par has been steady throughout the series. Few in Europe can claim to have had the influence he has had in the field of computing in general and of parallel computing in particular.

  • 2014:  Henri E. Bal (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Henri Bal is well-known for his contributions to parallel computer systems, languages and applications. He has also been the major driving force behind the development of the Distributed ASCI Supercomputer (DAS), a homogeneous wide-area distributed system consisting of a number of clusters in different locations, which was one of the first of its kind. Henri Bal has been a frequent co-author at Euro-Par and has also served as global topic chair and keynote speaker.

Arndt Bode has been one of the most influential researchers in computer architecture in Germany, especially in the design and programming of distributed systems. He has led or participated in the management of major German research pro- grammes and has advised the German Research Foundation in the funding of the German computing infrastructure. He was for a decade VP and CIO of the TU München, then for one more decade the head of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Garching. Arndt Bode hosted Euro-Par 2000 in Munich, which saw the largest attendance to date of about 400 delegates. He served subsequently several times on the programme committee.

  • 2012:  Barbara Chapman (The State University of New York, Stony Brook, U.S.A.)

Barbara Chapman has been active in developing infrastructures for programming parallelism since the late Eighties and has participated in the development of community standards like OpenMP, OpenACC and OpenSHMEM. Her major contributions have been in programming languages for parallel computing, initially with Vienna Fortran and subsequently pioneering the widely used practical standards of parallel computing. Barbara Chapman has been a role model for females in the field of computer science and has held several senior posts in the US and around the world. Barbara Chapman participated in Euro-Par papers and served three times on Euro-Par programme committees, twice as global topic chair.

Michel Cosnard has made his mark on French co mputer science research institutions first as the founder of the Laboratory of Computer Science (LIP) at ENS Lyon, then as the director of several INRIA institutes, and finally as the director of all INRIA. In the latter role, he broadened the base of INRIA in France and beyond and was also instrumental in the creation of the important European institutions EIT and HRC. He was the instigator of the EU-funded CoreGrid Network of Excellence which involved 41 European Institutions and had a major impact in European grid and cloud comput- ing. Michel has been generous with his time and expertise in promoting not just national and international ventures but the education of students and the careers of colleagues. Michel Cosnard was one of the major forces in forging Euro-Par out of CONPAR, VAPP and PARLE and one of the “French Revolutionaries” who introduced the topics format at the second Euro-Par. He was one of the the Euro-Par steering committee and global chair in three years, each time of a different topic.founding members of the Euro-Par steering committee and global chair in three years, each time of a different topic.

  • 2010:  Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee / Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A.)

Jack Dongarra is one of the internationally most prominent researchers in high-performance computing. He has made major contributions to numerical algorithms and practical parallelism. As one of the two inceptors of the TOP500 list of supercomputers, he is well-known also to people not in computer science. With his kind advice, Jack Dongarra gave the series as an international dimension support during its first years. He served as a keynote speaker and was co-author of a multitude of further Euro-Par papers and of a remarkable three papers in the best-papers Euro-Par Collection (2007–2016) of the journal Concurrency and Computation - Practice and Experience. Jack Dongarra received the ACM Turing Award 2022.

Paul Feautrier has been a driving force in French computer science and has made central contributions to both hardware and software (having previously done likewise in astronomy). Parallel computing has especially profited from his strong background and talent in mathematics through his theories and tools for dependence analysis, scheduling and memory management.
Paul Feautrier was always a fatherly friend of Euro-Par and a frequent participant and presenter at its conferences up to the time of his award. He celebrated his 70th birthday a few months later and is still active in research.

Ron Perrott had been influential in parallel programming for close to four decades at the time of the award. He has been (and still is) a sought-after adviser in many matters of computer science - its technology, financing and politics - and he is a thoughtful and generous peer. Ron Perrott spear-headed the merger of CONPAR, VAPP and PARLE to Euro-Par and led Euro-Par as SC chair through its first years, which are always crucial for a conference series. Euro-Par was a special challenge with a serious switch in format already in its second year. Ron Perrott’s calm and warm demeanor did a lot to give Euro-Par a friendly and disarming nature.


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